What criteria should we look for when choosing a litigation lawyer?

Một số lưu ý khi lựa chọn luật sư tranh tụng

These days, litigation lawyer services are receiving more and more attention. When there is a conflict that leads to litigation, people will seek legal help from lawyers. So what criteria should we look for when choosing a litigation lawyer? Let’s take a look at some outstanding criteria with PL & Partners Law Firm so that […]

Distinguish civil cases from criminal cases

So sánh án hình sự với dân sự đại diện

In settling civil disputes or resolving criminal cases, determining the nature of the case is indispensable. Determining whether a case will be governed by civil law or criminal law still confuses many people. Therefore, PL & Partners Law Firm would like to compare some of their outstanding features to distinguish between civil cases and criminal […]

Penalties for acts of origin fraud

Xuất xứ hàng hóa là nước, nhóm nước, hoặc vùng lãnh thổ nơi sản xuất ra toàn bộ hàng hóa hoặc nơi thực hiện công đoạn chế biến cơ bản cuối cùng

Origin of goods is always a matter of concern to consumers. This fact results in acts of origin fraud which greatly affects consumers’ quality of life. So how does the law stipulate the administrative penalties for the act of origin fraud? Let’s find out about this issue with PL & Partners Law Firm. 1. WHAT […]

Things to know about conciliation of land disputes

Tranh chấp liên quan đến đất đai xảy ra tương đối thường xuyên trong cuộc sống

Conciliation is one of the methods of resolving land disputes, including conciliation as a part of litigation and out-of-court conciliation. Through this article, PL & Partners Law Firm will inform you of what you need to know about conciliation of land disputes. 1. COMMON LAND DISPUTES. Disputes over land and house ownership associated with land […]

Why should you use business registration consultancy services?

Vì sao nên sử dụng dịch vụ tư vấn thành lập doanh nghiệp

Establishing an enterprise is an important process for a business to mark its first step in the marketplace. The process of establishing an enterprise is associated with a series of legal regulations and complex paperwork. Therefore, businesses often choose to use professional enterprise/ business registration consultancy services to help them carry out this step. In […]

Is it illegal to record a jealousy attack on video and post it online?

luật dân sự

In the current context of information technology development, it seems that everyone is accustomed to spreading and updating information about certain events through social networks without considering the consequences. These acts may violate Civil Code, or Criminal Code. The act of filming a jealousy attack clip and posting it online will be handled depending on […]