PL & Partners


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type

Currently, in the context of the rapidly growing and developing real estate market, it is not difficult to see advertisements introducing many attractive land plot projects in terms of location

One of the questions that PL & Partners Law Firm has received a lot is: Should I gift or bequeath land use rights to my children? This article will give

1/ SEQUENCE Step 1: Within 10 working days from the date on which science and technology experts plan to start their work in Vietnam, organizations shall submit 01 set of

A. PROFILE COMPOSITION. 1. An application for Criminal Record Certificate (Form No. 03/2013/TT-LLTP; Form No. 04/2013/TT-LLTP); 2. Power of attorney in case of authorizing other people to carry out the procedures for issue of a Criminal Record Certificate Number 1 (in case the attorney is father, mother, wife, husband, or

A. SUBJECTS IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Foreign-invested economic organizations shall carry out procedures for adjusting the License for the retail outlet establishment that is not the first one when there is a change in the scale ooutlett oulet. Legal basis: Article 30 of Decree No. 09/2018/ND-CP. B. SEQUENCE 1. In case of

A. PROFILE COMPOSITION An applicant shall prepare documents for enterprise registration as specified in Article 23 of Decree No.01/2021/ND-CP. Please follow the link to get the procedure for REGISTRATION OF ESTABLISHMENT OF A JOINT STOCK COMPANY In addition to the above documents, in case of consolidation, the dossier shall include

A. PROFILE COMPOSITION Application form for enterprise registration (Appendix I-2). Company charter. Copies of the following documents: a) Legal documents of the enterprise’s legal representative; b) Legal documents of the company’s owner (except for the State); Legal documents of the authorized representative and their letter of appointment. For owners being

In this article, let’s learn about cases where children’s signatures are required to sell land with PL & Partners Law Firm. Land and house are two of the most valuable assets. Therefore, the transactions of buying, selling and transferring land are stipulated specifically and clearly by law. Hence, there are