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Legal Retainer Services for Individuals
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[title style=”center” text=”WHAT ARE LEGAL RETAINER SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS?” tag_name=”h1″ color=”rgb(255, 163, 0)” width=”100%” size=”87″]
With Legal Retainer Services for Individuals, lawyers will work monthly with the client to give advice and warn off legal risks
These services have been present for a long time in developed countries around the world. In Vietnam, they are gradually gaining attention because of their flexibility, great expedition, and convenience for clients.
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Legal consulting
Give clients legal advice on business and personal matters.
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Handling documents
Synthesize, classify, supplement and process all types of documents related to legal work.
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Updating information
Update the latest legal information, select, analyze, and send to clients.
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Support in negotiation
Participate directly or support clients in negotiating with partners.
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Authorized representative
Receive authorization from clients to perform legal work on their behalf.
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Risk warning
Warn clients off legal risks that they might encounter and how to prevent them.
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Lawyers are always ready to support clients through many different methods with flexible working hours.
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Act on
behalf of client
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A team of legal specialists shall handle legal documents and procedures on behalf of clients as well as work with relevant parties.
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risk alert
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Alert in advance to potential legal risks, thereby taking preventive measures as well as handling risks.
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[title style=”center” text=”LEGAL RETAINER SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS AT PL & PARTNERS” tag_name=”h1″ color=”rgb(255, 155, 64)” width=”100%” size=”87″]
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Experienced team.
PL & Partners has a team of experienced, dedicated, responsible lawyers, and legal specialists.
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Professional services.
PL & Partners chooses the problem-solving approach that is in the direction of harmonizing the legal regulations and the desired interests of clients.
To create a bond between the lawyer and the client, make the work convenient, and achieve the desired outcome.
We always see clients’ satisfaction as a measure of our success. From that, we constantly enhance our service quality.
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Cost saving.
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With over 10 years of operation, PL & Partners has been giving legal support to hundreds of clients for thousands of cases. We are proud to be evaluated by clients as a prestigious, professional law firm with a dedicated and enthusiastic team that always accompanies clients.
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- Knowledgeable and experienced team.
- Handling work quickly and effectively.
- Complete confidentiality.
- Harmonization of legal regulations and desired interests of clients.
- Advising and dealing with all legal problems.
- Prior alert to risks.
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