Legal Retainer Services for Individuals

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Legal Retainer Services for Individuals

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[title style=”center” text=”WHAT ARE LEGAL RETAINER SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS?” tag_name=”h1″ color=”rgb(255, 163, 0)” width=”100%” size=”87″]

With Legal Retainer Services for Individuals, lawyers will work monthly with the client to give advice and warn off legal risks

These services have been present for a long time in developed countries around the world. In Vietnam, they are gradually gaining attention because of their flexibility, great expedition, and convenience for clients.



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Legal consulting

Give clients legal advice on business and personal matters.


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Handling documents

Synthesize, classify, supplement and process all types of documents related to legal work.


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Updating information

Update the latest legal information, select, analyze, and send to clients.


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Support in negotiation

Participate directly or support clients in negotiating with partners.


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Authorized representative

Receive authorization from clients to perform legal work on their behalf.


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Risk warning

Warn clients off legal risks that they might encounter and how to prevent them.




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Lawyers are always ready to support clients through many different methods with flexible working hours.

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Act on

behalf of client


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A team of legal specialists shall handle legal documents and procedures on behalf of clients as well as work with relevant parties.

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risk alert


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Alert in advance to potential legal risks, thereby taking preventive measures as well as handling risks.



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[title style=”center” text=”LEGAL RETAINER SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS AT PL & PARTNERS” tag_name=”h1″ color=”rgb(255, 155, 64)” width=”100%” size=”87″]

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Experienced team.

PL & Partners has a team of experienced, dedicated, responsible lawyers, and legal specialists.

Up to now, we have been providing legal assistance to many individuals and successfully handling hundreds of cases.
Proud to be a dedicated and reputable law firm, we always accompany our clients, listen to their sharing, and warn off risks, thereby offering the most optimal solution suitable for each client.

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Professional services.

PL & Partners chooses the problem-solving approach that is in the direction of harmonizing the legal regulations and the desired interests of clients.

To create a bond between the lawyer and the client, make the work convenient, and achieve the desired outcome.

We always see clients’ satisfaction as a measure of our success. From that, we constantly enhance our service quality.

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Cost saving.

Service costs at PL & Partners are designed to be reasonable and flexible depending on clients’ needs and nature of the work.
With the motto “Our mission, your success”, we always strive to improve ourselves to bring clients the best legal service at the most economical prices.





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With over 10 years of operation, PL & Partners has been giving legal support to hundreds of clients for thousands of cases. We are proud to be evaluated by clients as a prestigious, professional law firm with a dedicated and enthusiastic team that always accompanies clients.

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  • Knowledgeable and experienced team.
  • Handling work quickly and effectively.
  • Complete confidentiality.
  • Harmonization of legal regulations and desired interests of clients.
  • Advising and dealing with all legal problems.
  • Prior alert to risks.



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